Jan 8, 2021

What happened on January 6th on the Capitol grounds...

Since it’s so hard to discern what actually happened on the Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021—especially with all the propaganda and spin flying around—I’ve assembled the following raw information, which I find to be extremely enlightening.

Note that some videos may need to be reloaded if you get an error—I don’t know why this is.

What happened on the Capitol grounds, in 3 videos.

  1. https://banned.video/watch?id=5ff73a601669d333f2b27315
  2. Note about Jayden X, the fellow videographer talked to near the end of next video:

    That video follows… (graphic shooting near the end of the video)

  3. https://banned.video/watch?id=5ff6857e00bac0328da8e888
  4. The full video fron Jayden X (graphic shooting near end):

Background information and context.

On the ground perspective from Alex Jones, who gave speeches that day:

Speech by Trump that day:

Why are the people there so amped up; why did they believe that there were shenanigans during the election? The following key state hearings about the November 3rd election answer that—if you have the patience to listen.

Trump lawyers and members of Arizona State Legislature (Nov. 30)

Michigan Senate Committee holds hearing on election issues (Dec. 1)

Giuliani appears in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee (Dec. 2)

Trump legal team presents case at Georgia Senate hearing (Dec. 3)

Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing (Dec. 11)

Watch out for mainstream media, social media, and public figures; I’ve never seen such extensive and powerful propaganda. It’s shocking.

PS: For some perspective: